
Welcome to the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada!

Our goal is to promote comparative and international studies in Canadian education, but we are part of an even larger international society that seeks to link all types of education through a focused group.

You can look at our constitution, read more about us or about our history, or see our executive members.

We also have a series of awards and grants available to members. If you would like to become a member, please look at the information about membership.

Other interesting publications include our newsletter, as well as the CIE Journal.

Should you have questions, feel free to contact us!

Comparative and International Education/Éducation Comparée et Internationale (CIE/ÉCI) is seeking applications for 2 positions in the CIE/ÉCI

– English Editor

– French Editor

Comparative and International Education/ Éducation Comparée et Internationale (CIE/ÉCI) (formerly known as Canadian and International Education), established in 1972, is the official journal of the Comparative and International Education Society of Canada/Société canadienne d’éducation comparée et internationale (CIESC/SCÉCI). The journal is bilingual and publishes scholarly writing on formal and non-formal education in a globalized world, from comparative and international perspectives. CIE/ÉCI welcomes comparative studies in Canadian and international contexts, including comparative research in diverse education settings and topics, international education broadly defined, and perspectives from intercultural education, Indigenous education, education for social justice and global citizenship education. The journal accepts manuscripts in both French and English that use a variety of methodological approaches, draw upon a wide range of theoretical frameworks, and speak to diverse contexts. The journal is published four times a year including one Special Issue (as of 2023-24). It is indexed by Proquest, EBSCO, the Canadian Education Index, the Sociology of Education Abstracts and Érudit.

La revue Éducation comparée et internationale/Comparative and International Education (ÉCI/CIE) lance un appel à candidatures pour 2 postes au sein de l’équipe ÉCI/CIE

Directeur de rédaction/Directrice de rédaction en langue anglaise

Directeur de rédaction/Directrice de rédaction en langue française

L’Éducation comparée et internationale/Comparative and International Education (ÉCI/CIE) (anciennement connue sous le nom Éducation canadienne et internationale), créée en 1972, est la revue officielle, de la Société canadienne d’éducation comparée et internationale/Comparative and International Education Society of Canada/ (SCÉCI/CIESC). La revue est bilingue et publie des articles académiques sur l’éducation formelle et informelle dans un monde globalisé, à partir de perspectives comparatives et internationales. L’ÉCI/CIE accueille des études comparatives dans des contextes canadiens et internationaux, y compris des recherches comparatives dans et sur divers contextes et sujets éducatifs, l’éducation internationale au sens large, et avec des perspectives d’éducation interculturelle, d’éducation autochtone, d’éducation à la justice sociale et d’éducation à la citoyenneté mondiale. La revue accepte des manuscrits en français et en anglais qui utilisent une gamme variée d’approches méthodologiques, s’appuient sur un large éventail de cadres théoriques et s’adressent à des contextes divers. La revue publie quatre numéros par an – dont un numéro spécial (depuis 2023-24). Elle est indexée par Proquest, EBSCO, l’Index Canadien d’Éducation, les Résumés de Sociologie de l’Éducation et Érudit.

EN-CIEECI Call for English and French Editors

FR_CIEECI Call for English and French Editors

A new issue of the Comparative and International Education Journal has been published.


Statement from CIESC Executive Regarding Anti-Black Racism

March 2021 EN FR


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